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Public Talk with Special Guest Teacher Gen Samten Kelsang • The Healing Power of Meditation

Treat yourself with an inspiring evening at Kadampa Centre Montreal, serving Montrealers for 30 years.

  • With so much going on at the moment, knowing how to preserve our mental peace and well-being is a must.

    A rare opportunity to be inspired by this renowned teacher (and yogi) with over 30 years of experience! A warm welcome to all!

  • With Gen Samten Kelsang

    A Kadampa Buddhist monk and resident teacher at Kadampa Meditation Centre in New York, Gen Samten has been studying and practising Buddhism for over thirty years.

  • This conference is in English.

    It is possible to book a simultaneous French translation via headphones at your seat.

  • The public talk is from 7:30pm to 9pm. We welcome you from 6:30 pm. Snacks and refreshments will be served after the conference at 9pm.

    Parking near the center is limited, so plan ahead to find a spot!

    We're located at the corner of Laurier and Saint-André, two blocks from Laurier metro.

  • $25

  • Gen Samten will teach a special weekend course on Saturday March 22 and Sunday 23 entitled Taking & Giving: A Meditation practice for our Time.

    Everyone is welcome!

    More information here.

  • Kadampa Meditation Centre Montreal
    835 Laurier Avenue East, Montreal, QC, H2J 1G2
    Phone: 514-521-2529

21 mars

Méditation guidée

21 mars

Conférence publique avec Guèn Samtèn Kelsang • Le pouvoir de la méditation