Public Talk with Special Guest Teacher Gen Samten Kelsang • The Healing Power of Meditation
Treat yourself with an inspiring evening at Kadampa Centre Montreal, serving Montrealers for 30 years.

With so much going on at the moment, knowing how to preserve our mental peace and well-being is a must.
A rare opportunity to be inspired by this renowned teacher (and yogi) with over 30 years of experience! A warm welcome to all!
With Gen Samten Kelsang
A Kadampa Buddhist monk and resident teacher at Kadampa Meditation Centre in New York, Gen Samten has been studying and practising Buddhism for over thirty years.
This conference is in English.
It is possible to book a simultaneous French translation via headphones at your seat.
The public talk is from 7:30pm to 9pm. We welcome you from 6:30 pm. Snacks and refreshments will be served after the conference at 9pm.
Parking near the center is limited, so plan ahead to find a spot!
We're located at the corner of Laurier and Saint-André, two blocks from Laurier metro.
Gen Samten will teach a special weekend course on Saturday March 22 and Sunday 23 entitled Taking & Giving: A Meditation practice for our Time.
Everyone is welcome!
Kadampa Meditation Centre Montreal
835 Laurier Avenue East, Montreal, QC, H2J 1G2
Email: info@meditationamontreal.org
Phone: 514-521-2529

Public Talk with Special Guest Teacher Gen-la Kelsang Jampa • Is Peace Possible?
Gen-la Kelsang Jampa for the first time in Montreal
Everybody welcome!
Gen-la Kelsang Jampa is an accomplished Teacher based in Arizona, USA. We can easily feel the richness of his experience. He teaches all over the world - you may recognise him! He is admired in particular for his warm personality and his clear, inspiring teachings.
These photos include Guèn-la Jampa giving a public talk in Thousand Oaks (Los Angeles), inaugurating a Meditation Centre in Colorado, and offering a public talk in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He also offers podcasts and video teachings. Here is also a visual announcing his coming to Barcelona in August to guide a deep meditation retreat.
In an increasingly hectic and uncertain world, our experience of happiness is fleeting and we find many reasons to be anxious or stressed. We may wonder, “Is peace possible?” It definitely is, but first we need to establish it within our own mind.
In this public talk you will learn:
- what is the real source of happiness
- why meditation is important for everyone
- how to create both inner and outer peace
With Gen-la Kelsang Jampa
An American Buddhist monk, Gen-la Jampa is dedicated to helping people solve their everyday problems through the practice of meditation and modern Buddhism.
He is the Deputy Spiritual Director of the New Kadampa Tradition - the International Union of Kadampa Buddhism and the National Spiritual Director of Canada. He is also the Resident Teacher at the International Kadampa Retreat Centre Grand Canyon.
As a senior NKT Teacher, Gen-la Jampa has been a student of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for many years. Under Geshe-la’s guidance, he has taught at many centres and events around the world. Gen-la is well-loved for his clear, inspiring teachings and his ability to touch people’s hearts through his sincerity and loving-kindness.
Kadampa Meditation Centre Montreal
835 Laurier Avenue East, Montreal, QC, H2J 1G2
Email: info@meditationamontreal.org
Phone: 514-521-2529 -
This public talk will be followed by the Quebec Dharma Celebration 2024.